Sunday, May 25, 2014

Butterfly Pattern - Paper Piecing - How to Separate Pattern Sections

Wow!  I can't believe that I've gotten so many nice posts about my butterflies.  Thank you all so much for your nice comments.  You've really made my day.

Several people have asked where I got the pattern.  It came from a book called 365 Foundation Quilt Blocks by Linda Causee.  I can't remember if I bought this book used from Half Price Books or if I got it new from Amazon.
 You can see that I have lots of pages marked with sticky notes.  How long will it take me to get through those plus all the other things on my to do list?  Lol

This author has lots of books out on paper piecing or foundation piecing (same thing).  Some of the patterns in the book above are really easy and some are harder - like the butterfly.  Well, not harder really, just more time consuming.

Here is my butterfly:
As you can see, all the parts are shown together.  It has 5 sections and you have to make a copy of the pattern you want and then cut each section apart.  Then I taped the sections to a piece of computer paper.
And then I drew the 1/4 inch seam allowances around each piece.  I have to draw my seam allowances or I will forget about them or mess them up in some way.

Once you have that done, you can make copies in any size you want.
It's not any harder to do the small patterns than it is to do the big ones.  It just uses little bitty pieces of fabric.  I save all my scraps from the larger butterflies to use on the smaller ones.  Some of the pieces are tiny but I wanted a detailed butterfly.  There are patterns out there with less detailed ones.

I've taken several paper piecing classes so that I could learn different ways of paper piecing.  I want to be able to do the easiest one - :)
I think my way is the easiest that I've seen so far although I didn't make it up or anything.  I learned in a class at a local quilt shop and she used a Carol Doak pattern of a heart to teach the class.  Our teacher was great and gave us lots of tips.  Ironically, she was not a quilter.  She just loved paper piecing and used her blocks in other ways.  She had a tiny pin on the day of the class - it was about 1.5 inches square of the American flag.  It was incredible how tiny it was.

Would anyone be interested in a paper piecing tutorial?  I think I'll try to get one going this week.


  1. I would love to try this...although it does look a bit intimidating!

  2. I would love to follow a paper-piecing tutorial by you! I LUV your butterflies!!!

  3. I really want this foundation block, where would i be able to get it (dont really want to buy the book as i wouldnt use it much) Thanks :)

  4. Most tutorials give you the pattern and teach you how to put it together. I'm interested in creating the pattern. Would you cover that?


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